Sunday, February 15, 2015

Expert Evidence: Law & Practice by Tristram Hodgkinson & Mark James

Expert Evidence: Law & Practice by Tristram Hodgkinson & Mark James
3rd edition
Published by Sweet & Maxwell
Pages 488,489 & 490

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Phipson on Evidence

Phipson on evidence
Seventeenth edition
Published by Sweet & Maxwell

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Law on Oral and Documentary evidence by C.D. Field

C. D. Field's commentary on Law on Oral and Documentary evidence
Revised by Gopal S. Chaturvedi (Sr Advocate, All HC)
2nd Edition
Published by Delhi Law House
Pages 330 to 380

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International Commercial Arbitration

Fouchard Gaillard Goldman on International Commercial Arbitration
Edited by Emmanuel Gaillard & John Savage
Published by Kluwer Law International
Pages - 312 to 335

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International Arbitration in Latin America

Book - International Arbitration in Latin America
Edited by - Nigel Blackaby, David Lindsey, Alessandro Spinillio
Published by - Kluwer Law International
Posted pages - 1 to 6 & 13 to 16

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Land Acquisition Act - Power of Collector

Power of Collector as per the Indian Land Acquisition Act -
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Click here for link 2

Software and Law 2: Basics

Software has become an omnipresent force in our lives. It is used in all digital transactions, whether to sell something or to provide servi...